Meet Tracy
Tracy is a fully certified Feng Shui Consultant with almost 30 years experience and can help you to improve all life aspirations including career, health, wealth, fertility, reputation and so much more.
She is a classically-trained Feng Shui Consultant and a 6th generation disciple of the Tan Yang Wu School of Feng Shui where the text dates back thousands of years. Her training and qualifications, including Diplomas and Distinctions, are very extensive across various Advanced Feng Shui methods that have been taught by some of the most credible and World renowned Grandmasters and Masters in Feng Shui.
There are various forms of Feng Shui that are used throughout the World, and in some schools the information does seem to be somewhat diluted. Tracy prefers to predominantly use Classical Flying Star Feng Shui which she believes gives the most consistent results, but also with layers of other Feng Shui methods too. Most Feng Shui Grandmasters also use these same techniques/methods because you are addressing most, if not all, of the different layers of Feng Shui for the very best outcome. Each consultation is therefore tailor-made to suit each client depending on the circumstances.
She has been known to astonish people when she identifies certain illnesses that the client has been suffering without the client informing her. Although Tracy doesn't admit to having psychic abilities, there have been countless clients who are convinced she is. Tracy believes that she is simply sensitive to the energies whether she is looking at pictures or actually being at the property, which enables her to confirm the deeper layers of Feng Shui.
People are a reflection of the property's energies. So, when the energies are wrong the people can be affected with various health issues from depression to more severe illnesses. The same principles can apply to your finances. Tracy can very quickly identify the areas of your property that need addressing to activate your wealth areas or to improve your health. The energy of your property can either support you, or it can cause money loss and health and relationship issues.
Tracy's approach is caring and sensitive with a genuine desire to help people improve their lives and achieve their dreams. Her down to earth, logical solutions and fun sense of humour are renowned for making people feel at ease. Tracy translates the methods taught into modern, simple, practical solutions. Therefore, there is no need to knock down walls and replace all furnishings in your home or business, because Tracy works with what you already have.
What is Feng Shui and what does it do?
The term "Feng Shui" translates to "The way of Wind - Water" - meaning the flow of energy (Qi/Chi) and where it settles. It's roots are from early Taoism, which I studied for 3 years many years ago in my very early training. The goal therefore, is to harmonise these incoming energies of your premises and where they settle. This is achieved by working out the various types of energy that are present and addressing them accordingly: Firstly, to reduce any negative energy and secondly to maximise health, wealth, relationships, etc.
Each home has it's own unique footprint of 'permanent energy' and this energy interchanges with monthly and yearly energy, which is why it's also important to update the yearly and monthly energies. Well in fact it changes daily and every 2 hours too, but the impact is not as relevant as your permanent energy and the monthly and yearly energies, unless I am working on a Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection for you. This is another unique system for selecting good days/hours for certain events.
To explain in very basic details, Classical Feng Shui dates back thousands of years whereby the masters laboriously made notes on how each property and person was affected over time. How could one farmer that was right next door to another farmer be successful in his crops and the other not? Is this possible? The answer is YES it did and can happen. Therefore, time has proven that there is indeed a pattern of how the energies can affect people in different ways. You may have noticed this in modern times whereby a neighbour may have either a constant run of bad luck, or the opposite where they seem to be exceptionally lucky in all areas of their lives.
Feng Shui works according to the quality of the energy of your property and will impact you accordingly. So, essentially it's about enhancing the good energy of your property and negating as much of the bad energy as possible. Over time the patterns and calculations of Classical Feng Shui have proven that there are distinct reasons why some people suffer from certain health problems and others obtain wealth. It's all in the energy!
I appreciate it can be very difficult to get your head around it because energy cannot be seen. I too was one of these people who couldn't quite grasp how these effects could take place, which is why I've been on this long journey. But, you can definitely FEEL and SEE the effects!! Much like if you boil a kettle - you cannot see the electricity that is making the kettle boil, BUT you see the effects of steam and of course you can feel the hot boiled water.
When speaking to clients that are new to Feng Shui but curious, I say to them "Have you ever been to a house and felt that something feels really odd, or just doesn't feel right? Do you sometimes walk away with a headache or feel sick, or leave in a bad mood for no reason? Or maybe you feel really happy for no apparent reason". These are just some of the examples of how the energy of a home can impact you. Imagine if your property has some negative energy that isn't addressed and you just keep getting sick? Or no matter how hard you work you just can't seem to get the recognition you deserve? Is it just bad luck?
Another example is that some people notice things are really different when they move from one home to another. If you think about it, why realistically should any home feel any different to another? Well, it's all down to the energies of each property being different. No two properties are the same - even your neighbours will be different. There are countless examples that I could give.
Feng Shui is not a magic wand, but if you are having continual health or wealth problems and have been struggling in other areas of your life and nothing you do makes a difference, then it may be that the energies of your property needs addressing.
There is no such thing as the "perfect Feng Shui home" either, although we do strive to make it as perfect as possible. Every home/property will have good and bad energy, and you can't cure the negative energy 100%. However, it can make an enormous difference in your life. The key is knowing how to negate and manipulate the negative energy as much as possible and enhance the good energy for all to benefit.
Genuine Satisfied Customer Testimonials
“I cannot believe you identified my health problems Tracy. I deliberately didn't tell you prior to my consultation because I wasn't sure feng shui could do this.. However, you proved that it can identify problems. I made the changes as you know and my goodness what a difference. Thank you again”
Mary - London
“I have to confess that initially I was a skeptic, but we made the changes that you suggested and our business has improved dramatically. We are all converted and will definitely consult you first before making any other changes..”
L.C - Epsom,Surrey
"I never would have believed that such small changes would change my life so much, but they have! My husband and I are getting on so much better now. thank you again"
J.B - Acton, London
"Our home has come back to life since your consultation. The children are now sleeping right through the night and achieving good results at school."
S.C - Middlesex
Let's Discuss
Your Consultation
If you are interested in a consultation with Tracy, please complete the Contact Form to discuss.
Tracy is based in Epsom, Surrey, United Kingdom, but this does not limit the areas which Tracy covers.
You can have a "Virtual" consultation from anywhere in World via Zoom! In fact, this is becoming the preferred method for many people.